Safe, Secure, & Convenient Statewide Service

Title Loans | Fast Cash | Car Loans
At Cash Loans Texas, there is never a penalty for paying off the loan early. We suggest you shop around — make sure that you understand the interest rates and ask about any upfront fees that will reduce the loan amount you actually receive.

Also, be sure you will not be charged any prepayment penalties if you pay off the loan sooner than expected. Loans are available for any year vehicle as long as it's paid for, and you hold the title. Besides, your title loan can be automatically deposited to your account within 48 hours, or we can mail it to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who is Cash Loans Texas?

A. Cash Loans Texas is based in the state of Texas, offering you a convenient and secure way to borrow funds against the equity in your vehicle. Your vehicle is the collateral for the loan. Our speed, accuracy, and efficiency will form the business partnership you have always been looking for with a loan company.

Q. What is a car title loan?

A. A car title loan is a short-term loan secured against your vehicle. In some regions, vehicle title loans are known as "pink-slip" loans or "car title" loans.

Q. What hours is the service available?

A. We accept car title loan applications, 24/7/365.

Q. How long does it take to get a loan approved?

A. When your application has been submitted, the results will be available in a matter of minutes. Once approved, you will be required to send in the supporting documentation to complete the loan process.

Q. What documents are required to apply for a vehicle title loan?


  1. Vehicle Title (Free & Clear of Any Liens)
  2. Personal information
  3. Driver's License4. Social Security Card
  4. Vehicle Registration
  5. Proof of Insurance
  6. Current Home Phone Bill & Utility Bill8. Most Recent Paycheck Stub
  7. Two References
  8. Spare Set of Car Keys
Q. Is it necessary to give my Social Security number?

A. Yes, Cash Loans Texas does search a national database of consumers who have a record of transactions with certain lenders.

Q. Will you contact my employer or my references?

A. Cash Loans Texas verifies employment and references but does not disclose the purpose of the business because we respect your privacy.

Q. Do I need to have good credit to get a loan?

A. No, no credit check is required. We do not check credit. But Cash Loans Texas does verify information on the application.

Q. What if I have poor credit or have filed bankruptcy?

A. Neither poor credit nor bankruptcy will affect the approval of your loan. However, your bankruptcy must be discharged for a minimum of 6 months.

Q. Do I need any additional collateral?

A. No, your vehicle is your collateral.

Q. How much can I borrow?

A. The value of the vehicle determines the amount we loan.

Q. When do I get funds from my loan?

A. Funds are available as soon as your application from our website is completed and documentation is approved.

Q. Is there a "cooling off" period after I pay off my loan?

A. No, there is no "cooling off" period. You can apply for a new loan immediately.

Q. What happens when my payment is due?

A. We will contact you on your payment date by phone and email. Payment may be made by three (3) different methods: money order, certified check, or debit card/Visa/MasterCard (preferred). A customer must pay at least the monthly installment, which is due. Additional payments are accepted in any increments.

Q. Is there any prepayment penalty?

A. No, there is no prepayment penalty.

Q. Can I get an increase on my current loan?

A. In some cases, you may be able to increase your loan amount. If you wish to request an increase, you may email [email protected] or call (833) 228-4411 and ask for an increase. Your application and your payment history with us will determine the results of your request.

Q. Can I renew my loan forever?

A. There is no need for renewals. These loans are installment loans. If you only make the minimum payment every thirty (30) days, your loan will be paid in full at the end of the loan term. These loans are not interest-only loans.

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